Welcome to join the International Arctic Climate Adaptation network!
One of the goals of the ACAF project is to establish and build and International Arctic Climate Adaptation network. The network is open to all interested from all Arctic countries and beyond.
The network activities will include networking events, participation in Arctic events and sharing of information on climate adaptation issues and network activities on our website, in Twitter and by email, and possibly also in other communications channels. The purpose of the networking activities is to share knowledge and solutions on climate adaptation, get to know other people interested in Arctic climate adaptation, to create new ideas and possibly also to come up with new (research) project ideas.
Registration link to the international Arctic adaptation network here
With the form we ask for your consent to join the network and the use of your personal information as specified in the privacy policy.
Read the privacy policy of the Arctic adaptation network here (in English) and here (in Finnish)
Network activities
Webinar series in the Spring 2021: Arctic bilateral networking events for climate adaptation researchers
The ACAF project aims to promote international cooperation between Arctic adaptation researchers and authorities, to prepare new climate resilience, and to spread Arctic climate resilience expertise.
For this purpose, the project organized a series of networking workshops with climate change adaptation researchers from all Arctic countries in the Spring and early Summer 2021. All workshops took place online, using Zoom. The language of the webinar series was English, but interpretation between Russian and English was available in the workshop with Russia.
With the networking workshops, our aim was to create and strengthen existing networks around Arctic climate change adaptation related research and other projects. The workshops were bilateral online events, where Arctic researchers and other people and organizations working on Arctic climate adaptation and food security can introduce their climate change adaptation projects and get to meet other researchers in their field. Also authorities and NGOs working on climate adaptation in the Arctic are welcome to attend. After the bilateral webinar series, thematic workshops will be organized in the Autumn 2021.
The program and presentations (as made available by the presenters) of each event are available on the pages on the left on this page. We also actively Tweeted about each event and each presentation. For all Tweets, please see @AcaFfinland on Twitter or https://www.acaf.fi/project/