Sámi nuoraid bargobádji – Saami Youth Workshop – Saamelaisnuorten työpaja – iloista yhdessäoloa ja tärkeitä viestejä päättäjille

Sámi nuoraid bargobádji – somás servvoštallan ja dehálaš sáhkasisdoallu mearrideddjiide ACAF-prošeakta ordnii sámi nuoraide bargobáji 20.-21.4.2024 Levis. Bargobádjái serve árbevirolaš ealáhusaiguin bargi sámi nuorat (15-29-jahkásaččat) Eanodagas, Anáris ja Ohcejogas. Fáttát ledje oktanaga báikkálaččat ja máilmmiviidosaččat: dálkkádatrievdan, dan váikkuhusat, dan goahcan, sámi nuoraid searvevuohta ja sámi kultuvrra boahtteáigi. Bargobájis doahttaluvvui dieđu ovttasbuvttadeami prinsihppa, dehege akademalaš diehtu ja sápmelaččaid árbevirolaš diehtu adnojuvvo dásseárvosažžan. Bargobádjái oassálasttii maid Operašuvdna Árktis -dálkkádatprošeakta. ACAF-prošeakta lea vuosttaš …

Arktisen sopeutumisen tutkijoiden verkostoitumistilaisuus 16.5.2024

Huolettaako sinua Arktiseen alueeseen kohdistuvat ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset? Tutkitko muutoksiin sopeutumisen keinoja? Teetkö työtä keskeisten Arktisen alueen sidosryhmien kanssa? Onko sinulla tuloksia, joita haluat jakaa muiden tutkijoiden kanssa? Ehkä juuri alkanut sopeutumishanke, joka voisi kiinnostaa muitakin? Tai oletko muuten vaan kiinnostunut Arktisesta alueesta ja ilmastonmuutoksesta? Jos joku yllä esitetyistä lauseista kolahti sinuun, tule mukaan arktisen sopeutumisen tutkijoiden verkostotilaisuuteen! Tilaisuus järjestetään torstaina 16.5.2024 klo 13–15.30. Tilaisuus on hybridi-muotoinen. Voit osallistua paikan päällä …

ACAF session in the Nordic Youth Research Symposium (NYRIS2024) – CALL FOR PAPERS until 19.1.2024

Despite the special vulnerability of the Arctic region to climate change, young people and indigenous youth living in the Arctic continue to have minimal influence in decision-making concerning climate change and climate change adaptation. To bring forth youth views from the Arctic to questions such as equity in climate change adaptation practices and policies, the ACAF project will hold a session titled ‘Justice and climate change – Youth views from …

Youth Arctic Forest Solutions Hackathon: Igniting Innovation for Arctic Sustainability

Youth Arctic Forest Solutions Hackathon: Igniting Innovation for Arctic Sustainability Barents Forest Forum, Rovaniemi 3-5 October 2023 In a dynamic convergence of youthful creativity and unwavering commitment to the Arctic’s future, the Youth Arctic Forest Solutions Hackathon, that took place on 3 October in Rovaniemi, has yielded fresh ideas and practical results that promise to shape the course of the Barents and Arctic sustainability. The Hackathon was a side event …

Applications open for the Youth Arctic Forest Solutions Hackathon

  The ACAF project is inviting young innovators aged 18-30 from Barents regions in Finland, Sweden and Norway to apply for an immersive hackathon experience to be held on 3 October 2023 in Rovaniemi, Finland. It is a transformative side event connected to the Barents Forest Forum 2023. Together, selected 20 young participants will identify key challenges within forest management, biodiversity, and/or climate change in the Arctic, and develop creative …

Envisioning the Arctic of tomorrow: Inari Arctic youth gathering

As the world contends with the reverberations of climate change and the evolving landscape of industries, the Arctic stands at the forefront of transformation. The imperative to comprehend the trajectory of the distinctive Arctic ecosystem has drawn a diverse assembly of youth to Inari, Lapland, Finland. From the 16th to the 18th of August, young individuals hailing from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, and Greenland gathered beside the tranquil expanse of Lake Inari. Their purpose? To forge a …

Arctic youth discuss the future at a workshop in Inari

A workshop will be held in Inari on 17 August, bringing together young people from across the Arctic region. Young people from Greenland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Finland will explore the threats and opportunities in the Arctic from their own perspectives and use these to consider alternative futures for the region. The workshop will bring together 15 young people, from both indigenous and non-indigenous backgrounds. More information (in Finnish). This …

ACAF presented in the International Conference on Environmental Psychology, ICEP 2023

Environmental psychology studies the interplay between individuals and the built and natural environment (Steg et al., 2019). Environmental psychology is one of the key disciplines in the scientific work in ACAF. Especially in planning the survey that will look into Arctic youth views on climate change, psychological theories are used. ACAF was presented in the International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP 2023), that was held in Aarhus, Denmark. ICEP is …

New project, old website

The project “Youth and indigenous peoples’ involvement in climate change adaptation in the Arctic and Barents region (ACAF)” was launched in The Arctic Frontiers 2023 Moving North conference in Norway in January 2023. The ACAF carries the acronym of its predecessor project “Arctic Network for Climate Adaptation and Food Security” for practical reasons: work can be continued under the same webdomain and website! You can still find all the old …

Life in the Cyclic World – Elämää arktisessa elonkehässä -video published/julkaistu!

Many people are unfamiliar with the Arctic and the everyday life and experiences of indigenous peoples. To stimulate dialogue, we present voices from the Arctic, a video from the Snowchange Cooperative. “Life in the Cyclic World” shows in words and images how climate change is already affecting the Arctic and it’s peoples. More about the video and link to the video below: Life in the Cyclic World – Elämää arktisessa …